4 Signs You Need New Impact Windows And Doors In Miami

Our homes may not speak to us, but they do give us plenty of signs whenever something's wrong with them. Impact windows and doors, in particular, are very communicative in this regard. Typically, people install impact windows and doors in Miami hoping they will last for at least twenty to thirty years. Most high-quality and well-maintained impact windows and doors do last for such long periods. But, like all things in life - they're not indestructible. Impact doors and windows pick up a lot of damages throughout the years. When they become a few decades old, they start communicating signs of damage. Here are four signs owners of such windows and doors need to look out for -

Visual Cracks or Warps in the Windows and Doors

Are your impact windows fogging up every few days for no reason? Are your impact doors drafty? Do they refuse to open or close when you apply pressure on them? These are all signs that your home needs brand-new impact windows and doors in Miami. Steel or aluminum framed windows and doors rarely experience such cracks, jams, or warps. But, when they do, repairing these damages is not a viable option.

Your Energy Bills are Oddly Very High

People who install impact windows and doors in Miami hope that these items can make their homes more energy-efficient. And they do! After the first few years of installing impact windows/doors, you can expect your energy bills to drop by 10-25%. But, as these items age, so do their abilities to make homes more energy-efficient. Small cracks and tears on your impact doors and windows may allow hot air to travel indoors during summer. During the winter months, these doors and windows lose their ability to keep cold air out. If your energy bills start increasing suspiciously, check your impact windows and doors. If they have small cracks, warps, or tears - they may not be as energy-efficient as they were in the past.

Your Home Has Survived a Severe Storm

In many cases, impact windows and doors in Miami lose their qualities after a severe weather event. Homes in hurricane impact zones experience incredible amounts of damage during heavy storms and hurricanes. In Miami, the sea salt and the coastal winds combine to wreak havoc on impact doors and windows. Even though impact doors and windows remain stable in extreme weather conditions, their structural integrity diminishes a lot during storms. If you've recently experienced heavy storms or rainfalls - check the conditions of your impact doors and windows. They may not be strong enough to resist severe weather events in the future. Replacing them before that is essential.

The Hurricane Season is Approaching

Impact windows and doors are still operable when they have small cracks or breaks. But, they won't offer total protection during the hurricane season. If these items don't serve their main purpose, what's the point of using them? Getting replacements as quickly as possible is vital for homeowners. Or else, they'll expose themselves, and their properties come hurricane season. To read more Click Here
Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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